ElSahn Greens is redefining the way premium Egypt produce is globally distributed.
Our dedication to supplying top-of-the-line products as well as our long line of strong partnerships and customers, have helped us reach the finest of qualities which we are proud to present to communities worldwide.
Go ahead and check out our product catalogue to learn why so many others have joined us.ֲ
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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by.
Sorting, Packaging, Freezing and Drying of Agricultural Crops, Foodstuffs, and Exporting Agriculture Corps
We are giving you an opportunity in partnering with a company that originates in one of the most agriculturally advanced countries. Our company has a proven track record of trade transactions with many global partners.
Get In Touch
29 Admon Freemon ST Semoha, 21500 Alexandria, Egypt
+ 2034287817
+ 2034258207